CCI Enterprises, in Milwaukie, is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), rehabilitation service organization, providing vocational training, job placement and employment services for people with mental, physical and emotional disabilities. CCI serves 150 people in the Portland metropolitan area. We offer a variety of vocational opportunities through rehabilitation services, community-based work site environments, individual job placements and on-site business operations. Our community and business partnerships enable our workers to contribute to society through meaningful employment, increased independence, self-confidence and dignity. Our Activities Toward Enrichment (ATE) facility, in Gladstone; is a personal development program geared to provide life choices and enrichment activities for persons with mental, emotional and physical disabilities.

How has SEMpdx helped CCI?
SEMpdx has helped CCI in several ways:

1) They have helped us by granting us exposure to organizations and companies that we normally wouldn’t have gotten to know.

2) Their “Hot Seat” panel provided us with valuable information to bring our website up-to-date and relevant.

3) Allowing us to place a booth at the SearchFest allowed us to meet companies like Harlo Media , who came on board and assisted in making the website changes recommended by the “Hot Seat” panel. They did this work at a discount rate.

4) Board Member Todd Mintz has been a great help in getting us current with relevant PPC keywords for our Google AdWords account.

5) Prior to our involvement with SEMpdx we received zero sign up for our email newsletter. With the help of SEMpdx, Todd Mintz and Harlo Media, we now average 40-50 new newsletter sign up per month and our email newsletter list is now over 400 and growing.

It has been a great relationship between SEMpdx and CCI Enterprises, we have gained valuable knowledge and exposure through the designation as the SEMpdx “Charity of Choice” for 2007. Thank you for your kindness and support.

Brian Crandall
Associate Director for Resource Development
CCI Enterprises, Inc.

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