Stoney will be speaking about “Blogging” at Searchfest 2009 which will be held March 10th in Portland, Oregon. Get your tickets now.

1) Please give me your background and tell us what you do for a living.

I’ve always been a crappy employee so working for someone other than myself has never been a long term option. My parents owned their own business so I think I caught that bug, only I’m lazy so sitting in front of a computer all day appealed to me.

That lead me to Internet Marketing which appealed to my ego. I don’t just make money, i help other people make money. What’s not to love about that?

Pole Position Marketing has been my baby since 1998 and I’m blessed to have some quality people who make me look brilliant and allow me to have some quality time with the TV most evenings. In my spare time I read (about 40 books a year) and write for E-Marketing Performance, Search Engine Guide, where I’m associate editor, and publish ebooks such as E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and marketing Your Website Online, Keyword Research and Selection: The Definitive Guide to Gathering, Sorting, and Organizing Your Keywords Into a High-Performance SEO Campaign, and Destination Search Engine Marketing.

2) What steps can a website owner take to insure an ideal site architecture when developing a new site?

Hire someone who knows what they are doing. Not always an easy task and it’s definitely not always your developer. If your developer claims to know SEO, be dubious. Knowing where to place a title and description tag does not make someone a qualified SEO.

3) You are one of the most prolific bloggers in our industry. What blogging productivity tips can you share with our readers?

Either be incredibly vain or incredibly desperate for attention. And know what the hell you’re talking about!

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