Why Pay for Non-Brand Search When You Can Dominate with Video?

Engage Speaker: Bryant Garvin, Chief Marketing Officer at Groove Life shares his insights on YouTube advertising. He previously started and lead the advertising team at Purple where he was named #ThePurpleWizard.

Create More Impact with Video

Stories are remembered 22x more than facts alone.

The same is true when that story appears on video.

But those are just facts. They would probably have more impact if you received them in the form of a video. 22 times the impact.

And here’s an opinion, from an incredibly well-respected authority: 

“95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious.” -Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman

So, that means that brand awareness, when done well, shouldn’t be something customers are aware of at all. According to Pamela Lund, brand awareness should make purchasing decisions feel more like a sign – this particular sparkling water was MEANT TO BE!

That’s much easier to do with video. For one thing, people can’t help but consume it. For another, if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth (if video was filmed at x frames per second, but your mobile device is showing it at…carry the one…) What Bryant is saying is, video is valuable because it gets in your head easily and stays there longer.

I Saw the Sign…On YouTube

The first thing Bryant Garvin, CMO at Groove Life says to do is get your head out of your ROAS. Don’t expect a big and high-quality return in a short amount of time. I know what you’re thinking: How do we get buy in? Is it multi-touch? You’re absolutely right!

The real payoff is a long haul, 55 – 120 days with over 400 touchpoints. But Bryant was able to get a 6x lift from people who skipped the branded video ad he created at Purple. And you only pay for the views, so that means the huge lift was free.

Bryant added branding like you see in this commercial to their most popular “Goldilocks” video.

Get ready for some more facts (man, I wish this was video…)

  • 80% of people say they switch between online search & video for product research
  • 90% say they find new brands on YouTube
  • 68% say they use YouTube for product decisions
  • Be where your competition is or you’ll lose out

Custom Intent Audiences

Did you know that YouTube and Google Ads are working together? Of course you did. Enter custom intent audiences. With this, you can target those who search for your non-branded keywords. You can even take a look at what search terms brought viewers to competitors’ videos or similarly-themed videos.

Then, use these to target custom audiences and specific channels. Bryant even told us a story of a competitor who had left monetization on, so he set up an ad to run right before their video. He was essentially cutting in line before the traffic reached their intended video without the competitor knowing it.

custom intent audiences youtube

SERP: The Landing Page’s Landing Page

Once the audience knows you, make sure your branded SERP is clean. When a potential customer is searching for your brand, you have an opportunity to make this part of their user experience. In a way, this is their first landing page. So, what Bryant suggests is making your branded keywords too expensive to bid against. You have control over the SERP experience and continue the emotional connection you’ve worked hard to build with your non-brand keyword videos.

So, you might have to wait longer for it and work a little harder to get the team on board, but the return will be worth it. Your targeting will be spot on and your messaging will be impactful and memorable. My only worry is, will you remember these meaningless words without the moving pictures to match?

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