I am now blogging about blogging, which means you are reading a blog about blogging. So let’s get to it:

Stoney deGeyter-Pole Position
A challenging aspect of SEM is optimizing the content for search engines and for your audience. Stoney gives us some sound advice for the most important part of your site- the content.

Start by defining the target audience, the areas of interest and the needs of your audience. Use keyword research tools to detect what people are interested in, and craft your blog and content to answer these topics. Give them something they can’t find anywhere else.

Don’t bore the audience: use the keywords, keep your audience in mind, and don’t’ be phony. Write compelling content and speak the language of the audience. The searchers are being very specific on what they are looking for, use those words and give them what they came to your site to find.

Break up the content so it is scannable. This is a mistake many bloggers commit and can really make or break the success of your blog. Break the content into chunks and consider the layout.

Be a resource. Drop some links into your blog and give the readers something useful, especially information on your own site using keywords in your anchor text. Finally, Stoney reminds us to spell check, use proper grammar, and write as often as you can to improve your writing.

Rebecca Kelley – SEOmoz
Rebecca treats us to some sexy Hasselhof pictures – thanks for the attention getter.
SEO Content Myths:
1. Link Magnet!- It still needs to be good content to earn a link.
2. Content is King – even if it is good, you still need to promote it. Engage with others, participate, drop some links, etc.
3. Do-follow Blogs=Easy Link Building – Those blogs that allow followed tags aren’t a gold mine for link building. It’s spammy and not really worth your time. But, if you’re going to do it, drop these links on relevant blogs only!
4. It’s ‘List’ or Bust – Not everything needs to be a list (and she realizes this is a list). Lists work, but it’s a correlation, not causation. It’s lazy, be different and creative, use different formats like pictures, charts, and quizzes.
5. Blog When It’s Convenient – Blogging takes consistency. If you don’t have the time, hire somebody to do it, or feature guest bloggers. Rebecca suggests using Web Trends and Social Media for ideas, and to offer a different perspective.
6. It’s Your Blog, Do Watchoo Wanna Do – You should interact with your readers, own up to criticism, and give back with rewards like external links.
7. Your Website Needs a Blog- If you can’t do it right, it’s better not to try. Bad grammar and outdated content can make you look bad.

Heather Lloyd Martin – SuccessWorks
Think about your content as being ‘date worthy’ with these easy steps:
1. Re-Think your approach – Figure out how to show value to reflect the times. The ‘old’ approach isn’t working in this economy. Think about your content, does it match the mood of today?
2. Take a look at challenges and advantages – Where does your site need help? Check Meta Tags.
3. Go where the action is – Use keyword research to confirm the best search terms- they may have changed!
4. Grab their attention – Think about your Title Tags on Search Results Pages. Would you click? Make it sexy and date worthy!
5. Always stay current. Always – Don’t let the blog die. It looks lazy to have out-dated copy, and this isn’t what you want to be conveying to your audience.
6. Let your personality shine through – Be unique, and consider your target audience, what will they find funny and cool?
7. Ask for what you want – Let people take action and convert. A simple hyperlink to the online store could be the difference between a sale or a bounce.
8. Don’t lower your writing standards – The writing style of your content reflects on your brand, so make sure it shines.

Tyson Braun, Search Engine Specialist, EngineWorks

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