After reading the comment on the previous post, I went to Google and searched for “SEO poker tournament Pubcon” and there it was… Cool! I’m not sure how I missed this, and it’s even had several Sphinns.

The poker tournament time was changed to immediately follow the Microsoft party on Thursday night at the Ghost Bar at the Palms. I’m not sure how long it takes to get from the Palms to the Venetian, but I’m definitely planning to attend both. Just a quick drop in at the Microsoft party to talk to the Ad center folks, grab some snacks and a couple of drinks, and then head over to the Venetian for the poker tournament.

Here are the details of the poker tournament:seopoker.jpg

Official Notice

The Purposeinc 2007 SEO Poker Tournament

will now take place on

Thursday Dec 6th at 9:00 P.M.

(Please check in around 8:30 P.M.)

It should be the best Pubcon party there is!

Reminder, please go to the Venetian Hotel site and sign up for a Players Club membership which I believe is free before the night of the tournament.

15 thoughts on “SEO Poker Tourney at Pubcon

  1. Thanks for the great write up. I really love that you donate 10% of profit to charity! Where can I read up who the charity of the year is?

    Also if any of your fellow readers are trying to get seats to the poker tournament after it sold out, there are now seats available again.

    See ya at the tables!


  2. You’re welcome!
    The 2007 charity is CCI Enterprises, and their website is .

    I admit that I didn’t read closely enough about the even on your blog, and it wasn’t until I signed up for the tournament yesterday that I realized yours was a fundraiser too…

    seeya at Pubcon!

  3. no prob, I just judge each one as I see it…

    In this case, the guy’s got a poker site, but he’s actually commenting on a poker post, may genuinely be interested, and he didn’t put spammy keywords in the name field, so I let it slide 😉

  4. I am not sure if you understood me, or if your humor is just really subtle and clever.

    I predict it was just subtle and clever.

    Just to be safe, I meant that I was the poker site spamming your post. 🙂


  5. Mr.,

    I apologize for my stumbling comments that may have caused a confusion.

    I do not think you did any spamming.

    I am purposeinc of, the one who had a poker tournament.

    Scott is the one who’s blog this is.
    I was making a joke, that I was spamming his blog because mine is a poker site.

    You are welcome to put anything you want on Scott’s blog.

    You are also very, very invited to my poker tournament next year if you can make it.

    Much Love,

  6. whoa!

    A. It’s not my blog, i’m just a board member at SEMpdx

    B. No harm, no foul, and yes, I’m a subtle and clever guy, but I DID think David was referring to the other poker blog, so apparently I’m not that clever. Thanks for the clarification!

    C. I was also just trying to infuse a little extra reader education into the comments, and explain why I did not think he was spamming.

    Now shuffle up and deal boys…

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