Ad Blockers: The Impact and Implications for Publishers and Advertisers

With Apple’s latest iOS update blocking cookies by default, consumers are more empowered than ever to control access to their personal information. As if that wasn’t enough of a challenge for publishers, agencies and advertisers, ad blockers...

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6 Highly Effective Millennial Digital Marketing Strategies for 2021

While we all work with, interact with, and/or raise Millennials, we still struggle to understand the 25–40-year-old wired generation. As marketers, we tend to treat them as one homogenous group for targeting purposes and don't take them as...

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Effective Amazon Marketing Strategies for 2021

Introduction Since 1996, I’ve helped clients generate awareness, clicks and conversions via search engines. Over the past decade or more, Amazon has transitioned from a major advertiser on Google to a real threat to Google’s future....

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5 Reasons for Brands not to Outsource Social Media Marketing Management

Most brands have a meaningful presence on social media, yet challenges remain. New and evolving social media platforms continually challenge marketers to stay relevant. Beyond the “Big 6” social platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,...

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